Tuesday, September 6, 2011


My name is Aimee Payne. I love sports, cooking, and reading. Random fact: I dislike more vegetables than I like.  

What is FACS to me? FACS teachers teach in 5 disciplines: Foods and Nutrition, Clothing, Interior Design, Financial Literacy, and Child Development. To me, FACS is the way we live. All other subjects mean very little if you don' know how to survive. FACS is the basic knowledge that everything stems from. Food, shelter, and clothing are basic needs, the bottom of the Maslow's hierarchy or needs. Without it, we cannot progress to become successful in anything else. FACS classes teach students how to be successful in life.  

What drew me to teaching FACS? When trying to decide what to major in, my older sister kept telling me that I should do Family and Consumer Sciences Education and I wanted to do it but I when I looked into changing my major during my freshman year the guy I was dating told me that boys would rather date a chemistry major (what I was before) than a FACS teacher so I put off switching. At the beginning of my sophomore year I knew I needed to change my major and went back to the FACS major requirement sheet and I was excited to see all the classes I needed to take. I always wanted to learn how to sew, cook, take care of children, and teach so this major was perfect for me! I switched to this major, dumped that guy and then met my husband right after, so I feel that both decisions were great!

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